Wednesday, 12 May 2010

All over bar the shouting!

My late grandfather had an expression at the end of special events. In his typical Lancashire fashion he would say, "It's all owered we, bar t' shouting." So now we have a Conservative Prime Minister presiding over a coalition government with the Liberal Democrats. At the beginning of the election campaign who would have thought this would be the result? Speaking personally, I am pleased to have a coalition. I have long believed they can work and look forward to seeing a good shot at doing so.
Last night it was fascinating to watch on TV the actual transfer of power from Gordon Brown to David Cameron. With the aid of a helicopter and someone in the royal presence with a digital camera we saw it as never before. From the smile on the Queen's face I could not decide if it was politeness or just being glad to be shut of GB! I detected a much more welcoming smile for DC!
So, the UK has finally broken the mould and is trying consensus for a change. It is strange to see Kenneth Clarke in the Cabinet without a financial portfolio. I have no doubt he will make a success of it. Lord Falconer obviously agrees! Other appointments will ensue and I wish each good luck - they will need it! We are in the middle of a financial mess which simply has to be sorted out, and quickly. They say, "Cometh the hour, cometh the man." I hope this is true.
To all those dyed blue to the marrow in the Tory rural areas who are sniping at the Liberal Democrats already I say, "It's time to espouse reality." Not only is there a moderating influence but a new face with new ideas at the front. Despite your fears you will find him not wanting when decisions have to be made.
I wonder what the woman from Rochdale thinks?

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