Monday 17 May 2010

Willie Walsh heads for disaster

Willie Walsh is a complete fool if he thinks his court victory is a step to overall victory. All he is doing is winding up his staff and their union! If he cannot see this then he must accept that ultimately he will be the one to cause the destruction of British Airways, not them. Not only this but in doing this and forcing a further ballot takes the dispute further into prime summer flying time. Talk about the captain saluting on the bridge as his ship sinks!!!

He is amazingly stupid. I have never seen anyone quite so suicidal. He makes Margaret Thatcher look like Mother Theresa!

The law court is not the place where this dispute will be resolved. It can only be resolved around a table by negotiation. But even then he will be looking to make a further offer which is less than the one before. What a wally - Willy!!!!!

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